Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meet and Greet
Get to Know Your Farmers
Join us on Thursday, December 18th from 4-7pm at Tehku Tea Company in downtown Dublin. Enjoy a cup of tea on us and the fruits of our labor including Winter Luxury Pie Pumpkin Scones and Austrian Crescent Potato Soup. We'll discuss CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, and other local opportunities for fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy. Farms planning to attend include 2Silos and VanScoy Farms, among others.

All new commitments for the 2009 CSA will receive a small gift as a token of our appreciation. Whether you're a localvore, a supporter of CSA, or in need of a gift, we have CSA options for

For more information email us at See you there!

1 comment:

MAD said...

Thank you for reminding me about this event. It was wonderful seeing you again!

- Molly